Wednesday, 26 November 2014

The NSW Mid to North Coast

The Sunday traffic was overwhelming as I drove from Bathurst to Newcastle. I'm not used to busy roads and high volume traffic: I've been living in remote areas for a long time and usually have the road to myself. Once I entered the outskirts of Sydney (and I mean the outskirts: Bilpin), the road rage was apparent, as time poor people rushed to their destination as the weekend was drawing to a close. I skirted western Sydney to join the stream of cars on the freeway north, feeling the pressure. It was with great relief when I pulled up at mum's place after some four hours of continuous concentration: it was not a pleasurable driving experience; it was hard work! And people do that every day! Geez. I guess that's one of the reasons why I elect to live the quiet life in rural areas. Too many people equates to too much traffic, and brings about a lot more agro. Part and parcel of surviving the rat race I suppose. Though I must join it if I wish to visit family and friends.

So I spent the remainder of the afternoon and evening reclined on mum's couch, recovering from not only the stressful journey, but also  from the big reunion weekend. Lots of chatting and recalling memories can be exhausting! Thank goodness for the sanctuary of mum's home (and mum!); it's a peaceful setting amongst a backdrop of large eucalypts and the sounds of native and migratory birds, just up the road from the shores of Lake Macquarie.

This was to be a short visit this time, so lunch and dinner dates were arranged to catch up with friends and my sister and niece, in between shopping with mum. The summer wardrobe was slim and needed a top up before returning to live in the tropics. Goodbye thermals; hello singlet tops! The shopping list was steadily ticked off, and in our travels we came across an old friend who we last encountered when we visited Kong Kong; Lucky Cat. Perhaps it's a good omen!

I stuffed the Subi with all my new purchases, plus other items that have been 'in storage' at my brother's and mum's for some years, including the wedding Persian rug. It is time to gather all belongings spread far and wide over the decades and take them to our chosen home base. Although I'm not sure what we'll do with the shipping container in Hobart at the moment! I'm sure things will become a bit clearer once we are settled some more and have gained employment (an interview this week is looking promising!).

A teary farewell to mum and it was off to Coffs Harbour. I would have preferred to take the New England Highway inland, but as I was time poor it was straight up the Pacific. It would have been great to catch up with more friends along the way, but not to be this time. Actually I think I could spend most of the year visiting friends and family, but it is time to get on with it I suppose. Job, house, veggie garden....then do some more travelling after that!

The traffic was surprisingly light along the coastal highway, a route I have not done for many years. The dual carriageway as far as Nambucca Heads made the journey very pleasant indeed - lovely scenery too. A spin around the Coffs Creek track on arrival into Coffs Harbour got rid of a few cobwebs after the five hour drive. Plus a ride to the harbour and beach with friend Brian early the following morning, after a pleasant evening in with a tasty risotto and accompanying glass of red.

I could have stayed at Coffs for a week, but it was to be another five hour driving day, with a stop at the Gold Coast for a lunch date with my uncle. Queensland, here I come.

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